Our German pages include a collection of updates to the issues and stories highlighted in previous BigBrotherAwards. You can find the full list on the German version of this page. The individual award pages and the overview pages for each year also include a filtered list of the relevant updates.
Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to translate our updates into English. You can see the updates on our English pages, but their headlines and content are in German.
Kein sog. „Beschäftigtendatenschutzgesetz“ dank BBA an Bofrost
Alexa-Aufnahmen als Beweismittel zugelassen
Neuer Gesetzentwurf zur Ausweitung des Einsatzes von Staatstrojanern
Apache Webserver verstößt immer noch gegen DSGVO
Zwangsbeschallung im ÖPNV
Frau Eisenmann will Microsoft an Schulen in BaWü einführen
Vom Versuch der Metro AG, RFID-Chips (versteckt) zu nutzen
Scoringsysteme diskriminieren weiter
Amazons Datenmissbrauchspotential ist größer denn je
About BigBrotherAwards
In a compelling, entertaining and accessible format, we present these negative awards to companies, organisations, and politicians. The BigBrotherAwards highlight privacy and data protection offenders in business and politics, or as the French paper Le Monde once put it, they are the “Oscars for data leeches”.
BigBrotherAwards International
The BigBrotherAwards are an international project: Questionable practices have been decorated with these awards in 19 countries so far.