Musik-Act während der BigBrotherAwards 2013. Eine Person mit Gitarre.

Radically decentralised

"Google must be broken up!", is the motto in 2013 (and it remains valid to this day). This unequivocal message in the "Global Data Collection" laudation by Rena Tangens and padeluun receives little attention at first, but it soon reaches its full effect when leading politicians repeat that phrase in 2014. Apple is another winner this year. Deutsche Post, the German Federal Police, and the premiers of the 16 German states are awarded as well.

The (unfortunate) Awardees

Global Data Acquisition (2013)


The BigBrotherAward 2013 in the Category „Global Data Acquisition“ goes to Google Inc., Mountain View, USA. Under the guise of a search engine and other free-of-charge services, such as Maps, Docs and YouTube, the advertising…
Workplace (2013)


The BigBrotherAward 2013 in the “Workplace” category goes to Apple Retail GmbH in Munich, for their comprehensive video surveillance of employees. The company operates the Apple Stores in Germany. Inside sources say that not only…
Reprimands & Commendation (2013)


There were some “lucky losers” that didn’t make it to a full award speech, but which should not be left out completely. We also take a look at the current state of things of an award winner from 2011, Facebook.


Rena Tangens am Redner.innenpult der BigBrotherAwards 2021.

Rena Tangens

padeluun am Redner.innenpult der BigBrotherAwards 2021.


Prof. Dr. Peter Wedde am Redner.innenpult der BigBrotherAwards 2021.

Prof. Dr. Peter Wedde

Frankfurt University of Applied Science
Sönke Hilbrans am Redner.innenpult der BigBrotherAwards 2012.

Sönke Hilbrans

Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz (DVD)
Portraitaufnahme von Rolf Gössner.

Dr. Rolf Gössner

Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte (ILFM)
Frank Rosengart am Redner.innenpult der BigBrotherAwards 2021.

Frank Rosengart

Chaos Computer Club (CCC)

Updates to the Awards 2013

Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to translate our updates into English.


About BigBrotherAwards

In a compelling, entertaining and accessible format, we present these negative awards to companies, organisations, and politicians. The BigBrotherAwards highlight privacy and data protection offenders in business and politics, or as the French paper Le Monde once put it, they are the “Oscars for data leeches”.

Organised by (among others):

BigBrother Awards International (Logo)

BigBrotherAwards International

The BigBrotherAwards are an international project: Questionable practices have been decorated with these awards in 19 countries so far.