Qualified as data leeches
At the second German BigBrotherAwards, two incumbent federal ministers are among the winners: Interior Minister Otto Schily and Economics Minister Werner Müller. Further awards go to a local school (the Hans-Ehrenberg-Gymnasium in Bielefeld), to the software company ProtectCom, and to RealNetworks. One award has a particularly lasting effect: It goes to the consulting company Informa and uncovers the practice of credit scoring, which has almost completely averted the public gaze so far.
Dr. Rolf Gössner
Rena Tangens
Patrick Goltzsch
Ingo Ruhmann
Jens Ohlig
- Otto Schilys Vermächtnis09 Dec 2020Update zu BBAs
- Scoringsysteme diskriminieren weiter12 Dec 2020Update zu BBAs
- "Otto-Kataloge" entfristet05 Nov 2020Update zu BBAs
- Schufa will Kontoauszüge durchforsten10 Feb 2021Update zu BBAs
- Schufa nimmt Kontodaten-Schnüffelei teilweise zurück24 Mar 2021Update zu BBAs
We would like to thank all helpers, the organizing and cooperating organizations and companies, as well as all donors.
padeluun und Rena Tangens
Rolf Gössner
Rena Tangens
Patrick Goltzsch
Moderator Andreas Liebold und padeluun
Ingo Ruhmann
Jens Ohlig
Andreas Liebold und Thilo Weichert
Die Jury (v.l.n.r.): padeluun, Jens Ohlig (verdeckt), Patrick Goltzsch, Ingo Ruhmann, Thilo Weichert, Rena Tangens und Rolf Gössner