No Future Store!
Retail conglomerate Metro AG receive a BigBrotherAward for their attempts to smuggle RFID chips into customer cards in their “Future Store”. A scandal that will make waves for years to come. Other winners are Deutsche Post Shop (following the award to their parent company in the previous year), the US government, the broadcasting licence fee collectors GEZ for their lifetime achievements, as well as T-Online. The communication company even sends a representative to pick up the award in person. That’s a good connection.
The (unfortunate) Awardees
Deutsche Post-Shop
Bild: André Karwath (oben – CC-BY-SA 2.5, Quelle), Robert (unten – CC-BY-SA 2.0, Quelle)
Federal States
Metro AG
Dr. Ehrhart Körting
Rena Tangens
Dr. Rolf Gössner
Frank Rosengart
Dr. Thilo Weichert
Dr. Fredrik Roggan
Werner Hülsmann
Lutz Donnerhacke
- Vom Versuch der Metro AG, RFID-Chips (versteckt) zu nutzen13 Dec 2020Update zu BBAs